Descargar A Big Bad Wolf's VILLAINLY Alphabet: An Alphabet for young Villains, Tricksters, and Junior Rogues (English Edition) de Jeff Mach libros ebooks

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By now, you probably know that The Big Bad Wolf got a raw deal. The question is, how can YOUR aspiring villain, little monster, or generally weird kid learn the kinds of important lessons which will help them get through life and not grow up to be Normal? (ALSO, A SECRET: MANY ADULTS ENJOY THIS BOOK AND FIND IT SIGNIFICANTLY MORE FUN TO READ THAN MOST ALPHABET BOOKS. DON'T TELL ANYONE.) Anyway, as we were saying:You don't want YOUR young supervillain to get caught monologuing by the Heroes, do you?The Big Bad Wolf, an expert on taking monstrous paths, offers an appropriate alphabet for your adorable hellspawn. Like:"I is for Impish. It’s not mysterious.Some of us ask the world,'Hey! Why so serious?'""O is for Opening – Of hearts, and of mindsTo all of the misfits, lost toys, left-behinds.""R's for Revenge, as always it's been.(Revenge is expected. What's never known? WHEN.)"If you've got a pint-sized possible Villain on your hands, you're going to want to read 'em this book. WE SHOULD PROBABLY MENTION THAT THIS BOOK HAS:* Dark humor.* Some big words. YOU may not know them. That's okay. Part of the joy of being villainous is stretching your mind and learning new things. And if you don't know a pronunciation, just make it up--erm, we mean, "look it up, like a responsible person".* Rebelliousness* Villainy* Bad guys. (duh.)Now, we don't actually recommend that you teach your children to plot revenge on their arch-nemesis. (WHY does your child have an arch-nemesis, for heaven's sake?). But we DO think that, if you're the sort of parent who believes it makes sense to talk to kids about some of the ways people might not be nice to each other, it's going to make a LOT more sense to say, "Okay, here's a book that'll teach you about being a Big Bad Creature", and then talking about it......than to do what most books do, and just say, "Never do bad things, never think bad things, and bad things never happen."We're Villains. We're ready to deal with reality. Plus, we are a LOT more fun than the Heroes.Written by the Big Bad Wolf and certified Dark Lord Jeff Mach, with adorable illustrations by Gahil Windu, this book is a must have, in the totally unbiased opinion of the person who will most benefit from the royalties.

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